Westminster Village / Hall

Tory Peer Claims People Are Only Poor Because They Are Stupid And Sentences Them To A life Of Porridge

Mrs 'Let Them Eat Porridge'
Wealthy Tory Baroness Anne Jenkins has claimed people are only poor because they are stupid and says 'therefore deserve a life eating porridge.' The life peer, who's hobbies include guide dog bating and hunting homeless people, went on to add, 'If the poor were clever they would simply use their political connections to set up a porridge cartel selling gruel to their stupid friends at a premium rate making millions in the process. Idiots!'

The day before Mrs 'Let Them Eat Porridge' (as she has now come to be known), along with her friends on the Lord's committee examining the rising demand for food banks, threw out a plan to merge their £1 000 000 budgeted catering suppliers with lower house MP's. Jenkins and her unelected chums are thought to have feared a fall in the quality of free champagne they receive from the hordes of porridge eating stupid people currently starving to death in the streets outside the House of Commons.

  1. Baroness Jenkin: 'Poor People Don't Know How ... - YouTube

    1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP9dzsmyu-A
      4 days ago - Uploaded by showmetheENTERTAINMENT
      Baroness Jenkin was speaking at the House of Commons launch of the Feeding Britain ... "I had a large bowl of porridge today, which cost 4p
    2. Morning Star :: Let them eat porridge www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-f7b6-Let-them-eat-porridgeBaroness Anne Jenkin caused uproar during the launch of a parliamentary report ...jettisoned a plan to cut their bubbly budget for fear of getting a worse service. ... the refreshment committee refused to merge catering with the MPs because it  ...